World of Windows is a theory that considers each individual perspective to be like a color of the one rainbow, contributing to the dynamic spectrum of radiance that has created this multi-faced world of multi-cultural peoples, each contributing a relevant perspective as to his own way of seeing the world. This concept teaches to not only accept and respect, but also to appreciate and highly value the varied perspectives as equal precedence of the same universal truth.
In regard to religion and the service of ones own God, this concept addresses the issues of indoctrination by realizing that God by any name is an image based on an idealism through which a people are taught to aspire to through dedicated service of distinctive principles leading toward the particular idealist notion of truth. A people's God, then, is a declaration of faithful beliefs, through a theoretical perspective of that which is ideal within the origin of peoples. It is the conceptual pursuit of an understanding for the highest order of all things.
"In this world of windows, the more windows we open the more light we share. When all windows are opened there will be immaculate illumination. One window at a time toward perfect world peace. Each window presents a way of seeing, a path, a perspective. Respect. Love. Peace. This is the way to the golden glowing globe."
"Religion is none more than a means to declare a definition of ones own interpreted spiritual awareness through the declaration of indoctrinated ideals as a basis for familiar maturity within a communal environment."
"Spiritual experiences can be explained and interpreted in the order toward a mutual understanding through religion, but, religion itself does not create spiritual experiences, although it may have the ability to harness and heighten the energies that abound our spiritual presence."