"A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." (Chinese Proverb; 1831-1881)
The Universe in all of creation dances perfectly in harmony with the synthesis of a musical chariot, as we, perfectly balanced, spin on this axis of a revolutionary rotation that could not be possible if anything were different. The duality that we live with and all fearfully fight as our own demon is the experience of ambiguity and ambivalence within this catastrophic battle of a polarity that we call self and reality. Accept that we are good and perfectly made, even as one with those things that we deem to be ugly, as it is all a necessary 'evil' set in place to order the continuation of a progressing evolution of the eternal creation, that, even in itself, could not be possible without the process of eternal damnation, or, destruction. You see, we have the ability to turn out because of the very basis of this static-electro-magnetism, that, with control and the force of mastery, we too can learn to be he who pivots, spinning on our own axis of rotation and revolution through space and time.
I encourage you to learn to appreciate the entire fabric of yourselves in the realization that our greatest weaknesses do indeed account for the interpretative existence of our greatest strengths. For, without the darkness, where would our lights live, and of what will they serve to illuminate, and how would anyone ever appreciate a radiance that they have nothing to compare it to in contrast with? And, if there were no death, how would we ever come to know the beauty of life and birth? How would we ever understand the distinction between one like a finely aged wine and a fresh young grape that illuminated with innocence, unless we knew to appreciate that things tarnish with age and the luminescence of gained wisdom? Because of pain and ugliness and war, we can know to strive for the value of the precious goodness and beauty and peace that allows us to choose to love rather than to hate, for, it is our ability to choose willingly and knowingly that sets us apart from all else, and makes us an infinite people beyond our own realization.
I believe that the story of the fall of man describes, rather, our rise to greatness and power over all the earth, as our worldly evolution and transfiguration through the series of the species that we now preside over, has led us to become aware of the supremacy of our own innate abilities as we learned to experience the progress of our own thoughts. Egos then developed within ourselves, as we saw how great our kind were becoming, and how much power to influence destiny in the course that our own evolution had given to us. We learned to believe, to think for ourselves, and to choose decisively. We discovered resolution and created concepts of ideology by which we began to seek out explanation for the questions that we ourselves created within ourselves as we struggled to understand and relate to the world that we were suddenly aware of. With a great curiosity for knowledge and hunger, we began to seek out that which would be gained of this world. In the end, we taught ourselves to quest and to crave and to desire everything that there was to be gained of an earthly existence.