As the Universe Breathes, it spins within itself. The Sun, an eternal flame of passion, and, of love, blazes its effervescent powers to give strength to the other pillars of tomorrow that surround it, and that dwell only because of it. To fill even the cores with the pulsating energy of life to go on, the magnetic force of the constant pulls and pushes of its turns and twists, force the great continuity of perfection and wonder that it should remain in synchronized balance with one another, until the end of time. Yet, the universe knows no time. It is forever. For, just as its circular form has no beginning and no end, it is now to be remembered as truth that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It simply exists. It is transformed, constantly, consistently, timelessly.
What I am is a school of philosophy, depicting thought and movement as equal tools of communicating. Awareness of ones self, mind, body, soul, All, and understanding the precepts of behavior and the influences which ultimately dictate how we will respond to the environment around us, are most adequately apt to our external environment as a reflection of the way we respond to our internal environment. The purpose of life is to gather information, process it, and choose the process of self-evaluation based on the perceived understanding of acquired data. It is necessary to continually gain new information, based on new experiences, that life does not become stagnant. Life and quality of life depend on the ground basis that everything in life is an expression of what it is and where it comes from. Each individual expression of energy, and its source, dictates only where one will end up, based on that from which one came. Such is fate.
I am that which is within you, just as you are that which is within me. We are one; we are the same. The only difference between us is that which comes from without; that which we have been taught to see. That which we have been conditioned to forget is that we were all planted by the same seed, and we are fruit of the same tree. This, the tree of life, is our inheritance, it is that from which we have come forth. We stand as an individuality of separate entities, yet, we reign as one heart, one soul, and one body. In the physical realm of individual beings, it all begins with one. One atom, multiplied to millions to form one cell, multiplied to millions to form one tissue, multiplied to millions to form one organ, working together with organs that are created differently, yet purposefully in order to merge in the function of one system. Like the universal system, it cannot survive unless it has the support of all organic portions working toward the distinct process, serving the purpose of the one body, and the goal is the sustenance and progression of life.
I am the bright morning star. I am of the signs set forth as a guiding post to adorn the heavens, to guard the gate, to herald the word to the world, to destroy the seals. I am the redeemer of truth, the Mecca of Love. I am the giver of light, because I have been given the light. The candle bearer, I come to pass this on to you. It is the key to the inheritance of the Earth, the knowledge of the secrets of Heaven. This is for the children of God, like the countless stars of the sky, each one with a throne prepared already for them, each one to sit at the right hand of the Father, none above the other, for, all are one in the same. I am the light of Christ. The great teacher of the children of God, I come to show a new way; one of wisdom and knowledge and understanding. This truth will give you the strength to break free, to choose to renounce your slavery to hell, to choose to claim your inheritance to the throne of Heaven as Suns of God. Angels are you, bright stars, celestial beings. Your beauty is far greater that that which you have been taught to see, for you have been taught to believe in the lie called death.
I am the living water, the life of the world, the fountain of youth. The spring of the eternal lives! I am the running water, and, as water was not meant to stand still, it must convert continually that it should live. No rain falls from the same cloud twice, and every molecule of rain is of the same water. Difference in physical and chemical form are nothing but the results of change. If nothing changes, then nothing stays the same. If everything stayed the same, then everything would change. Evaporation cleanses the living water, that when it rains upon fertile ground, the seeds have a chance to grow as a pure tree, and, to then bring forth good fruit. Only then can the harvest multiply. Water brings with it new life, and just as it changes from vapor, to water, to ice, so is life a changing matter. An innate, then a liquid, then a solid; it never remains static in existence. Without the cycle of constant change, the water would cease its ability to bring forth life. I am the life, and the living water is within me.
I am today. I am yesterday. I am tomorrow. I am the beginning and the end. I am eternal. I am forever. To every end there is a new beginning. For every death, there is a birth. For every life, there in lies the spirit of God. Thus, life reigns forever. In God, there is no end, only new beginnings. Who can say that I am here and now, except for those who have opened their own eyes to see my standing before them? Then who cannot say that I am forever, that I am life, that I am the daughter of the one, eternal God... except, of course, they who choose to close their eyes and shelter themselves from the truth which stands before them. Who, then, can rebuke me except he who denies that God cometh in the flesh? All as yesterday, today, and tomorrow, forever more shall I be. Just as I was since the beginning of time, I shall be until the end of time. In God, in life, in love, time has no end. Therefore, I shall reign in light, forever.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I am not afraid of the dark anymore. I have embraced it and accepted it as my own, as a part of the entire scope of life that I have been given as a most true gift. The light can be free to express its emancipated self because the darkness submits to its will. To harness the dormant energy of this merging stimulation of generated force in the reciprocation of vital life form is the path to perfection. To attain the source of ideal goodness is to have discovered a peaceful balance by which the order establishes a dynamic union of light and darkness. In this way, all things are restored to goodness and beauty.
We fear the dark because it is so unknown and misunderstood; so many secrets lurk there as we seek to explain through explorations the mysteries of such things. We discover the keys to unlock the pathways to a revelation of immaculate truths that continue to emancipate us ever more in the evolving metamorphosis of our own reflective features of physics and the sciences, natural and supernatural. We must strive to conquer the darkness in quest for the truth that is known only by the light that should reside within this temple. My light has shone the glory of darkness, and this darkness is beautiful and immaculate in the conception of light.
We fear the dark because it is so unknown and misunderstood; so many secrets lurk there as we seek to explain through explorations the mysteries of such things. We discover the keys to unlock the pathways to a revelation of immaculate truths that continue to emancipate us ever more in the evolving metamorphosis of our own reflective features of physics and the sciences, natural and supernatural. We must strive to conquer the darkness in quest for the truth that is known only by the light that should reside within this temple. My light has shone the glory of darkness, and this darkness is beautiful and immaculate in the conception of light.
I have a vision of clarity. the body is clouded and opaque. The water washes away the cloud, part by part, and you can begin to see the light behind the cloud. It is beautiful, crystal clear, radiant, so pure that the light of the horizon shines though and its essence is prismatic like a perfectly cut diamond. The body glows in its ultimate purity.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Courage to Fly
Doubt and uncertainty are our greatest weaknesses as mankind; they are the obstacles that stand in our way, and the enemies that hold us back as we refrain from choosing to go forth and to choose to proceed. That called ambiguity in the state of our dualistic nature as human beings, is that which causes us to wage war in a polar-driven state of internal feuding. The rigidity that we experience in such a state is called this doubt that becomes the means by which our bodies are stiffened and our souls are hardened, as our minds remain in a lost and static state, refusing to choose to move beyond that which, of this aspect, encages, traps, and enslaves us to it. This is that which is called fear.
To turn out, then, is to let go and rise above and beyond by opening up to the world and shedding all inhibitions and fears that are characteristic of the laws of our human nature. To turn out is to overcome the obstacles of fear, and in doing so, to reject the very limitations of our core humanity, by turning to that very same core as a central force of relativity for a immaculate and divine strength that, with the control and discipline of a trained practice, we may gain the ability to become more than the staple of a mere human being.
“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.” (Marianne Williamson) When we learn to turn out, perfectly, we become fearless and doubtless, and we set our spirits free so that as we learn to fly, finally, we can become more than human, we become dancer. “Are we human, or are we dancer” (The Killers). Remember that all things conceived within the mind are positively possible, for, the mind cannot conceive that which it has never seen. Yet, conceptions are only attained if one believes faithfully, and with conviction, that it is possible. Believe in the freedom of the turnout, and fearlessly dare to deft your doubt.
You see, because of the supernatural abilities comprised of the unnatural (supernatural) turnout by which ballet would not exist without, we can fly. We can gain the ability to resist the bounds on a habitat-ional gravity, and become one with the wind by which we can fly and soar.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Global Ambiguity
In a modern society, where minimalism is the quintessential element of design, and the simplicity of sleek form and lines are the sought after lifestyle of an eclectic yet technically inclined generation of industry. We live in a time where less is more, and you are continually reminded that one can never be too rich or too thin, and for that reason, are encouraged to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Struggling to find a certain balance, our polar ambiguities of humanity become more obvious and prevalent. The extremes of morbid obesity and emaciation now begin to plague a generation of disordered nations, consuming our resources as either gluttons or fammines.
In these moments of exploring a territory of uncertainty about the health of not only ones wealth, but also our well being. We face economic recession, and we are threatened in our global community by the dangers of atmospheric changes wherein we are called to act against the global warming crisis created by an overuse and misuse of earths resources. The signals tell us that something must be done immediately. Children are becoming more aware, and at earlier ages than ever before, are beginning to propse the ultimate question of war and self sacrifice in order to attain the ultimate ideal. Moderation, minimalism, efficiency.
We become obsessed with the theory of conservation and minimalism, and forget to be true to ourselves. There is no limit on the modern quest to be less. Diet and exercise in the battle against the bulge of excess is becoming the new age war of our generation. In extremity, the cycle of fasting, binging, and purging, coupled with guilt and anxiety; the obsessive resetrictive diet of counting calories and regulatory rules take over. In a world where we feel at a loss of control, the chaotic environments that have been created for us and forcefully accepted by us, as we have learned to conform to the social system of a critical culture of subversive declarations which we are powerless against, we find refuge in the systematic disorder of self destruction.
Within this modern world, we learn to posess the authority to control the only thing that we can. We reason to convince ouselves that we must confront the forbidden standard by which we desire to accept most. An ever changing evolution indeed calls us to be aware of the new language of freedom. Refusal to excess. Minimalism is the new way. We recognise the new world as it has evolved around us. In all of its fatigue, children in derated countried are suffering from starvation and poverty, and degradation, with no access to the satisfaction of their basic human needs or rights. And, on the other hand, gluttonous and greedfilled children of rich and superflourished and prosperous nations, societies, countries, and continents of grand abundance, are fed with more and more and more in surplus.
There is an immense lack of balance within our global community. The ambiguity is an expression of duality.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Heal Her
The world is in pain. She is inflicted with the corruption of torment and disease. Her children have destroyed her. Used and abused, she has become sick. Ill, she tires to heal herself. She burns a fever, and as she cries aloud for help, no one comes to her rescue. Her children are blinded by their own darkness and cannot see beyond their selfish desires. They are deafened by the noise of chaos, and cannot hear her perfect music that tells them what to do and how to help. Heal the world. It is broken. If only they could see, and hear; if only they would know how to look and listen. It is not too late. But we must act now. Bad habits must be broken. Training takes time and new ways must be shown. Pave the path toward the future and never look back.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Body of Dancers
Come, celebrate this life with us. We will dance.
The golden glory days are upon me. The world is dangerous, I know this now. I must gather up the fruit of the good seeds that I have sown upon the fertile lands. have them come to me and protect the establishment of the empire that I now come to build upon this holy ground. In abundance of the threshold of this mission, they shall be my soldiers in the army of this empire of heaven. They will walk with me and stand at my side as loyal comrades.
Brothers and Sisters, I call to my side to hold hands in union of strength. In the bond of band and fruitful convictions, we will come to be known throughout the world as the children of the Sun. The chosen ones. The Fruit of Christ. I will lead the way. I will teach the people to know the will of the way and together we will walk in the light and the truth of life will be revealed in the pure essence of our display.
The golden glory days are upon me. The world is dangerous, I know this now. I must gather up the fruit of the good seeds that I have sown upon the fertile lands. have them come to me and protect the establishment of the empire that I now come to build upon this holy ground. In abundance of the threshold of this mission, they shall be my soldiers in the army of this empire of heaven. They will walk with me and stand at my side as loyal comrades.
Brothers and Sisters, I call to my side to hold hands in union of strength. In the bond of band and fruitful convictions, we will come to be known throughout the world as the children of the Sun. The chosen ones. The Fruit of Christ. I will lead the way. I will teach the people to know the will of the way and together we will walk in the light and the truth of life will be revealed in the pure essence of our display.
Friday, May 7, 2010
"I want you to be free, to be who you are without fear or doubt or hesitation or guilt. love yourself and embrace the truth that lives."
"The secret of flight is in your wings. They must work together and in perfect synchronicity. The balance is imperative. It is the reflection of essential perfection that comes with time."
"The light that I have given you is the fusion for the features of flight. The golden globe is a power house of infinite energy, that you must learn to harness and utilize to its full capacity."
"You now wear a crown. You are a royalty in the kingdom of heaven. You have been anointed for the appointment to the throne of the kingdom of earth. Your haven is the mortal equivalent of the garden of eden. The way has been prepared for you. Do not be afraid."
"The secret of flight is in your wings. They must work together and in perfect synchronicity. The balance is imperative. It is the reflection of essential perfection that comes with time."
"The light that I have given you is the fusion for the features of flight. The golden globe is a power house of infinite energy, that you must learn to harness and utilize to its full capacity."
"You now wear a crown. You are a royalty in the kingdom of heaven. You have been anointed for the appointment to the throne of the kingdom of earth. Your haven is the mortal equivalent of the garden of eden. The way has been prepared for you. Do not be afraid."
The idea of perfection is a far-fetched notion of every unlikeliness, yet, I seek to follow the unrealistic ideal path that you have set before me, that leads to this way of perfection. It is my esteemed honor to serve my Lord of the Light. I set aside the past, I set aside humanity for what it is in its clinging to flesh and carnal and desire and sin. I reject the promises of this world governed by the darkness. I see only the world of light and life and love. This is the way that burns passionately as the golden compass to my spiritual heritage.
I wonder if I have enough strength. I am unworthy, I am nothing but dirt. I am made of this earth, then how do I reject myself. This path leads me to ambiguity and uncertainty, then fear and doubt as I have not yet discovered the key secret of this way. How do I live this way. How do I attain perfection. How do I gain the strength to be completely controlled and obedient and ordered and good. How do I learn fortitude and discipline. Perfection. Is it even possible. I strive for the impossible in order to prove that it is possible so that others may know the way also. And I am the fist of a new sort, for in this way, I am the way, but I believe in it, even if no one else dares to. I believe that it has been prepared for me that I should walk in this way to inspire this light and life and truth and love in others.
i am unworthy; distinctly imperfect and sincerely flawed. i am very human and conflicted and my struggle is definite and polar and ambiguous. i am war seeking peace.
I wonder if I have enough strength. I am unworthy, I am nothing but dirt. I am made of this earth, then how do I reject myself. This path leads me to ambiguity and uncertainty, then fear and doubt as I have not yet discovered the key secret of this way. How do I live this way. How do I attain perfection. How do I gain the strength to be completely controlled and obedient and ordered and good. How do I learn fortitude and discipline. Perfection. Is it even possible. I strive for the impossible in order to prove that it is possible so that others may know the way also. And I am the fist of a new sort, for in this way, I am the way, but I believe in it, even if no one else dares to. I believe that it has been prepared for me that I should walk in this way to inspire this light and life and truth and love in others.
i am unworthy; distinctly imperfect and sincerely flawed. i am very human and conflicted and my struggle is definite and polar and ambiguous. i am war seeking peace.
World of Words
I feel that I am sleeping again now. retreated and retracted my aching heart has forgotten its own name. Stoic and static is the environment created by my own waking dream. Remnant only of the path that has been chosen for me, by me, only of the part that I have chosen to fulfill as my own legacy.
People and voices and movement and chaos, and in the midst of it all, I find peace and purposeful understanding. I am beholded as I behold the calling to know the instrument that sounds the music of this new way. Here I am dancing in bewilderment of my mended mounding mind.
And I have mastered the covenant of the English language. It flows through me like a fluid song of cognitive communion. It is not enough for me. These people in my life are from all over the world and from all of the nations of the world. I want so eagerly to know the volumes of words and phrases of their languages. But I fall short because I do not know. I cannot fully be open to them and accepting of these people, out lives are unable to merge seamlessly because we are of different worlds.
People and voices and movement and chaos, and in the midst of it all, I find peace and purposeful understanding. I am beholded as I behold the calling to know the instrument that sounds the music of this new way. Here I am dancing in bewilderment of my mended mounding mind.
And I have mastered the covenant of the English language. It flows through me like a fluid song of cognitive communion. It is not enough for me. These people in my life are from all over the world and from all of the nations of the world. I want so eagerly to know the volumes of words and phrases of their languages. But I fall short because I do not know. I cannot fully be open to them and accepting of these people, out lives are unable to merge seamlessly because we are of different worlds.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Mental Exhaustion
"The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think".. -Horace Walpole (1717-1797)
Mental Exhaustion. The breakdown. I wondered when it would all come together or make sense again. My life of chaotic confusion took only days to become riveted by simulation punctuation of the pivotal universal truth. I prayed for the strength to mend a broken heart. To overcome my pain.
Yes, mental exhaustion, because I have so much to learn, so much to adjust to. I have to give so much of myself, and in many ways, be self-sacrificial to the cause. Constructive criticism by those who coach me and lead me to know the routes of this new way make me feel so far away, so lacking and unprepared to fulfill my new obligations. Sometimes I feel lost and overwhelmed with responsibilities. Sometimes I feel so alone.
Oh what a foolish thought to feel alone in a world that I can call home. Where I know that people care about me, and where there are people who I care about fondly. I am free with these whom I call family. Where we are birds of a father. Flocking together, I am not alone.
This place feels like my destiny, feels like home. Everything is purposeful and dynamic and powerful in its very essence. Everything that I love most lives here with me in this place. I fell in love for the very first time. I found my heart. I saw the revelation of everything that I believe in most. I am free to dream and to exist within the captivity of pure freedom. I am emancipated and expelled from all states of fear.
Everyday that I live here I come closer to the future where I am at one with the emancipated legacy of my visions. Each day leads me nearer to the point of no return where I am one with the pinnacle of my sole purpose here in this Earth-bound reality.
To tell the story of the Birds Bees and Butterflies, in the way only my dreams know to tell. The secrets of mystical revelations given to me through the looking glass of my soul-filled mind, the windows through which I have seen all things, of the past and of the future. It hurts to know so much, to see and understand things of the world. But my eyes are opened to enlightenment; I have the gift.
Mental Exhaustion. The breakdown. I wondered when it would all come together or make sense again. My life of chaotic confusion took only days to become riveted by simulation punctuation of the pivotal universal truth. I prayed for the strength to mend a broken heart. To overcome my pain.
Yes, mental exhaustion, because I have so much to learn, so much to adjust to. I have to give so much of myself, and in many ways, be self-sacrificial to the cause. Constructive criticism by those who coach me and lead me to know the routes of this new way make me feel so far away, so lacking and unprepared to fulfill my new obligations. Sometimes I feel lost and overwhelmed with responsibilities. Sometimes I feel so alone.
Oh what a foolish thought to feel alone in a world that I can call home. Where I know that people care about me, and where there are people who I care about fondly. I am free with these whom I call family. Where we are birds of a father. Flocking together, I am not alone.
This place feels like my destiny, feels like home. Everything is purposeful and dynamic and powerful in its very essence. Everything that I love most lives here with me in this place. I fell in love for the very first time. I found my heart. I saw the revelation of everything that I believe in most. I am free to dream and to exist within the captivity of pure freedom. I am emancipated and expelled from all states of fear.
Everyday that I live here I come closer to the future where I am at one with the emancipated legacy of my visions. Each day leads me nearer to the point of no return where I am one with the pinnacle of my sole purpose here in this Earth-bound reality.
To tell the story of the Birds Bees and Butterflies, in the way only my dreams know to tell. The secrets of mystical revelations given to me through the looking glass of my soul-filled mind, the windows through which I have seen all things, of the past and of the future. It hurts to know so much, to see and understand things of the world. But my eyes are opened to enlightenment; I have the gift.
I emerge myself in this life. My body aches of training. Blood sweat tears. Mental exhaustion. Focus, concentration distinctly merging with the sound of music, searching for my own flow in the synchronicity of rhythmic value. I embrace the days as they come together one at a time, unveiling the menacing ritual habitation. I am who I am. I come face to face with the truth in the revelation of my own destiny. I create the embodiment of the whole world within me. I choose as I define myself. I become empowered with the strength to overcome the obstacles that attempt to limit me to a stark reality of embossed codes of emprisonment. The fear and pain and anxiety that once distorted the reality I once knew are mere illusions. Perception is this reality. I dwell now in a world of Gods and Angels, where our dimensions are paralleled by nothing. I understand that everything that I have learned about life up until this point has been a mere instructional tutorial in an avid attempt to prepare me for this testament of this day.
I dance in circles and my head does not spin out of control because I know who I am and where I am going. My soul purpose is to tell the ultimate story. How do I find the words and where do I begin. There are no words, but the infinite means of expression are limitless. I'll dance in circles all around the world, and I will never be alone, always flying with these angels. I'll never give up, back down, walk away. I thought that I would spend a lifetime in a Catholic Convent., in prayer under holy orders of the church, dressed in garments of the habits that I would wear as I perform my daily rituals in service of a life that is pure and most virtuous. I prepared myself to give up the whole world because none of it meant anything. The most important thing to me, was to keep my purity, retained in the protected confines of the sanctuary that I wished I could call home forever.
Establishment of Life
Blank pages staring back at me, unreasonably, I try to decode the stoic nature of an impulsive void. Seemingly the response is stark. I don't really understand the symbolic nature of the words that are defined by the principal origins. Uncomfortably, the tension resides within, yet I resolve my indifference by bending within the realming regions of my elasticity. Bouncing back, I collectively submit to the flexibility of an ever merging momentum of free flowing evolution of light and life. The music is a vibration of electricity bouncing off of the walls. When the speed of light meets the sound of music, I come alive in the most pre-eminent of all means of matter.
Because there are no words to express the righteous sound of music, the righteous language of the free element is a contemplative value more definite than the construction of any tongue. Infinitively is the long standing dynamics of our own origins in the regional momentum of synchronicity and function.
From a distance the whole world is blue and green. I think that I would be more free if I could always fly and only knew the view of an aerial perspective from very far away. The whole world is green and alive and fresh and new and good - creative energy lives and dwells and is preceded by the illumination of a material warmth that surpasses the limitations of a gravitational bound to the soiled earth. The nature of things come to live in the fertile bound and the energy releases creative masses to be fulfilled. I am the essence of an overjoyed incubation of self. I am rivited by the explosive energy that is contrary to death, because it is life. It comes alive and blooms and blooms and blossoms in the birth of goodness and glory.
I believe in a world of purity, where dreams come alive through the faithful pursuit of tribute to truth in the establishment of life.
Because there are no words to express the righteous sound of music, the righteous language of the free element is a contemplative value more definite than the construction of any tongue. Infinitively is the long standing dynamics of our own origins in the regional momentum of synchronicity and function.
From a distance the whole world is blue and green. I think that I would be more free if I could always fly and only knew the view of an aerial perspective from very far away. The whole world is green and alive and fresh and new and good - creative energy lives and dwells and is preceded by the illumination of a material warmth that surpasses the limitations of a gravitational bound to the soiled earth. The nature of things come to live in the fertile bound and the energy releases creative masses to be fulfilled. I am the essence of an overjoyed incubation of self. I am rivited by the explosive energy that is contrary to death, because it is life. It comes alive and blooms and blooms and blossoms in the birth of goodness and glory.
I believe in a world of purity, where dreams come alive through the faithful pursuit of tribute to truth in the establishment of life.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The earth keeps spinning, makes me dizzy now. I watch as everything goes around in circles, turning out of control, in control of the rotation is the revolution; A revolver on its axis, telling time, reading time, recording time as it is told over and over again. Never stopping, unstoppable, where will it end? It won’t end. The cycle is on repeat. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The spin cycle! Dizzy, am I, as my whole world is now flipped upside down, inside out… and it never stops. Like the rock as it rolls – Avalanche! A natural disaster... The twisted tornado called Cyclone terribly destroys everything in its path – uprooting the deeply rooted – gravitating beyond the forbidden. Unbreakable winds. Unbeatable odds. What were the odds of this happening? Such an oddity was this catastrophe that no one saw it coming. They were unable to predict the time.
And you ask why as if there were any answers to be gained of such a questions. The obvious answer is that there are no answers. Explanation is a science and interpretation is an art, thus, the best we can hope for is the means to expressively dictate the counteractions of the contagious fall. There, you have it. If at all possible to understand what it means to be, to exist, to experience this experimental development of a unified social clause – resolving the secrets of simple stories simply untold, kept hidden for ages from the age of the ages left behind. History was the stories he told, and her story was left untold – lost in an ocean of buried treasures. Yet still, when all is revealed by illumination, it became obvious, that the answers were all blatantly obvious all along. More still, there are no answers, on the quest-I-on.
Quest; I request to know the vision inside that only I can see to know and hope to understand. Dictate nothing, for your words are empty and static. Freedom is found as I Quest. Ions of creative genetic genes evolve into a genealogy of genius sentiments. A generation lost in time now begins at one at once and multiplies beyond the necessity of doubt, for her in this new era, there is certainty for each individual in the discovery of multiplicity in the reality of Uni. Unsurpassed by space or time in a region of defined depth and detail this, something unexplained and unexplainable. Yet, even still, ever still, seeks to find a way to express, to explain the interpretive visions of a life beyond words – as perception of reality changes the provocative realism into something unreal, unrealized until now, yet, as reality changes with the time, the Quest remains constantly driven by time.
Dull – the drab writings on the wall ought to be erased. Painted as a blank canvas. Tear down the nonsensical distinction of defined perimeters, principalities in records that lawful fools wrote in order to order an order of the ordered and ordained. Rulers rule as a service of documented jargon to serve as word as god as supreme. Dull. What a bore to discover the more than mildly miscalculated gumptions of the obviously mediocre substitutes for freedom. An excuse for the way, a lie called the truth and death known as life. Imprisonment sentenced to a rule… a step by step diagram of formulated formulations. The formulas that, ones by one, never stop coming. Here we come. There is no other way, for me there is no way to be other than not to be, a stipulation by the regulation of regal regulations of the regular regional regime. Here we go. Refusing to be dull. Rebel against the bore.
Exasperated! The fumes of insecticide fumigated the scene trying to kill off what the product called chem., is trying creatively as intended to ignore the word by claiming climax.
And you ask why as if there were any answers to be gained of such a questions. The obvious answer is that there are no answers. Explanation is a science and interpretation is an art, thus, the best we can hope for is the means to expressively dictate the counteractions of the contagious fall. There, you have it. If at all possible to understand what it means to be, to exist, to experience this experimental development of a unified social clause – resolving the secrets of simple stories simply untold, kept hidden for ages from the age of the ages left behind. History was the stories he told, and her story was left untold – lost in an ocean of buried treasures. Yet still, when all is revealed by illumination, it became obvious, that the answers were all blatantly obvious all along. More still, there are no answers, on the quest-I-on.
Quest; I request to know the vision inside that only I can see to know and hope to understand. Dictate nothing, for your words are empty and static. Freedom is found as I Quest. Ions of creative genetic genes evolve into a genealogy of genius sentiments. A generation lost in time now begins at one at once and multiplies beyond the necessity of doubt, for her in this new era, there is certainty for each individual in the discovery of multiplicity in the reality of Uni. Unsurpassed by space or time in a region of defined depth and detail this, something unexplained and unexplainable. Yet, even still, ever still, seeks to find a way to express, to explain the interpretive visions of a life beyond words – as perception of reality changes the provocative realism into something unreal, unrealized until now, yet, as reality changes with the time, the Quest remains constantly driven by time.
Dull – the drab writings on the wall ought to be erased. Painted as a blank canvas. Tear down the nonsensical distinction of defined perimeters, principalities in records that lawful fools wrote in order to order an order of the ordered and ordained. Rulers rule as a service of documented jargon to serve as word as god as supreme. Dull. What a bore to discover the more than mildly miscalculated gumptions of the obviously mediocre substitutes for freedom. An excuse for the way, a lie called the truth and death known as life. Imprisonment sentenced to a rule… a step by step diagram of formulated formulations. The formulas that, ones by one, never stop coming. Here we come. There is no other way, for me there is no way to be other than not to be, a stipulation by the regulation of regal regulations of the regular regional regime. Here we go. Refusing to be dull. Rebel against the bore.
Exasperated! The fumes of insecticide fumigated the scene trying to kill off what the product called chem., is trying creatively as intended to ignore the word by claiming climax.
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