In a modern society, where minimalism is the quintessential element of design, and the simplicity of sleek form and lines are the sought after lifestyle of an eclectic yet technically inclined generation of industry. We live in a time where less is more, and you are continually reminded that one can never be too rich or too thin, and for that reason, are encouraged to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Struggling to find a certain balance, our polar ambiguities of humanity become more obvious and prevalent. The extremes of morbid obesity and emaciation now begin to plague a generation of disordered nations, consuming our resources as either gluttons or fammines.
In these moments of exploring a territory of uncertainty about the health of not only ones wealth, but also our well being. We face economic recession, and we are threatened in our global community by the dangers of atmospheric changes wherein we are called to act against the global warming crisis created by an overuse and misuse of earths resources. The signals tell us that something must be done immediately. Children are becoming more aware, and at earlier ages than ever before, are beginning to propse the ultimate question of war and self sacrifice in order to attain the ultimate ideal. Moderation, minimalism, efficiency.
We become obsessed with the theory of conservation and minimalism, and forget to be true to ourselves. There is no limit on the modern quest to be less. Diet and exercise in the battle against the bulge of excess is becoming the new age war of our generation. In extremity, the cycle of fasting, binging, and purging, coupled with guilt and anxiety; the obsessive resetrictive diet of counting calories and regulatory rules take over. In a world where we feel at a loss of control, the chaotic environments that have been created for us and forcefully accepted by us, as we have learned to conform to the social system of a critical culture of subversive declarations which we are powerless against, we find refuge in the systematic disorder of self destruction.
Within this modern world, we learn to posess the authority to control the only thing that we can. We reason to convince ouselves that we must confront the forbidden standard by which we desire to accept most. An ever changing evolution indeed calls us to be aware of the new language of freedom. Refusal to excess. Minimalism is the new way. We recognise the new world as it has evolved around us. In all of its fatigue, children in derated countried are suffering from starvation and poverty, and degradation, with no access to the satisfaction of their basic human needs or rights. And, on the other hand, gluttonous and greedfilled children of rich and superflourished and prosperous nations, societies, countries, and continents of grand abundance, are fed with more and more and more in surplus.
There is an immense lack of balance within our global community. The ambiguity is an expression of duality.
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