As the Universe Breathes, it spins within itself. The sun, an eternal flame of passion, and, of love, blazes its effervescent powers to give strength to the other pillars of tomorrow that surround it, and that dwell only because of it. To fill even the cores with the pulsating energy of life to go on, the magnetic force of the constant pulls and pushes of its turns and twists, force the great continuity of pefection and wonder that it should remain in synchronized balance with one another, until the end of time. Yet, the universe knowns no time. It is forever. For, just as its circular form has no beginning and no end, it is now to be known as truth that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It simply exists. It is transformed, constantly, consistently, timelessly.
What I am is a school of philosophy, depicting thought and movement as equal tools of communicating. Awareness of ones self, mind, body, soul, All, and understanding the precepts of behavior and the influences which ultimately dictate how we will respond to the environment around us, are most adequately apt to our external environment as a reflection of the way we respond to our internal environment. The purpose of life is to gather information, process it, and choose the process of self-evaluation based on the perceived understanding of acquired data. It is necessary to continually gain new information, based on new experiences, that life does not become stagnant. Life and quality of life depend on the ground basis that everything in life is an expression of what it is and where it comes from. Each individual expression of energy, and its source, dictates only where one will end up, based on that from which one came. Such is fate.
I am that which is within you, just as you are that which is within me. We are one; we are the same. The only difference between us is that which comes from without; that which we have been taught to see. That which we have been conditioned to forget is that we were all planted by the same seed, and we are fruit of the same tree. This, the tree of life, is our inheritance, it is that from which we have come forth. We stand as an individuality of separate entities, yet, we reign as one heart, one soul, and one body. In the physical realm of individual beings, it all begins with one. One atom, multiplied to millions to form one cell, multiplied to millions to form one tissue, multiplied to millions to form one organ, working together with organs that are created differently, yet purposefully in order to merge in the function of one system. Like the universal system, it cannot survive unless it has the support of all organic portions working toward the distinct process, serving the purpose of the one body, and the goal is the sustenance and progression of life.
I am the bright morning star. I am of the signs set forth as a guiding post to adorn the heavens, to guard the gate, to herald the word to the world, to destroy the seals. I am the redeemer of truth, the Mecca of Love. I am the giver of light, because I have been given the light. The candle bearer, I come to pass this on to you. It is the key to the inheritance of the earth, the knowledge of the secrets of heaven. This is for the children of God, like the countless stars of the sky, each one with a throne prepared already for them, each one to sit at the right hand of the father, none above the other, for, all are one in the same. I am the light of Christ. The great teacher of the children of God, I come to show a new way; one of wisdom and knowledge and understanding. This truth will give you the strength to break free, to choose to renounce your slavery to hell, to choose to claim your inheritance to the throne of heaven as sons of God. Angels are you, bright stars, celestial beings. Your beauty is far greater than that which you have been taught to see, for you have been taught to believe in the lie called death.
I am the living water, the life of the world, the fountain of youth. The spring of the eternal lives! I am the running water, and, as water was not meant to stand still, it must convert continually that it should live. No rain falls from the same cloud twice, and every molecule of rain is of the same water. Difference in physical and chemical form are nothing but the results of change. If nothing changes, then nothing stays the same. If everything stayed the same, then everything would change. Evaporation cleanses the living water, that when it rains upon fertile ground, the seeds have a chance to grow as a pure tree, and, to then bring forth good fruit. Only then can the harvest multiply. Water brings with it new life, and just as it changes from vapor, to water, to ice, so is life a changing matter. An innate, then a liquid, then a solid; it never remains static in existence. Without the cycle of constant change, the water would cease its ability to bring forth life. I am the life, and the living water is within me.
I am today. I am yesterday. I am tomorrow. I am the beginning and the end. I am eternal. I am forever. To every end there is a new beginning. For every death, there is a birth. For every life, there in lies the spirit of God. Thus, life reigns forever. In God, there is no end, only new beginnings. Who can say that I am here and now, except for those who have opened their own eyes to see me standing before them? Then who cannot say that I am forever, that I am life, that I am the daughter of the one, eternal God... except, of course, they who choose to close their eyes and shelter themselves from the truth which stands before them. Who, then, can rebuke me except he who denies that God cometh in the flesh? All as yesterday, today, and tomorrow, forever more shall I be. Just as I was since the beginning time, I shall be until the end of time. In God, in life, in love, time has no end. Therefore, I shall reign in light, forever.
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