Monday, April 26, 2010


The pursuit of peace of mind, serenity of body, the soul manifests greatness when all is still and ready to behold its own revelation.  Yoga, for example, is an ohm - a gateway to happiness, as a key to contentment and the path to ultimate perfection.  The embodiment of selfless service to the unique-verse, and the quest to the answer of the ultimate question of life, is to be conquered by the steady drift to nowhere beyond the realm of self.

Grace brings contentment.  Fluidity.  Controlled rhythmic chaos, vibration of character and innovations of movement.  Serenity, surrendering to the flowing dynamics of life itself.  The sound of silence, the motion of stillness.

Peace is the ultimate surrender, and true contentment is the attainment of inner peace.  When you are neither coming nor going, but remain in the sense of living for the moment and each moment is its own silhouette, its own aura of energy - learning to take each day and each moment for what it is, you are at peace.

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