Saturday, April 17, 2010


Weightlessness, freedom, I have learned, is the embodiment of nothingness, whether it be of the light, or the darkness. In truth, freedom can only be attained of the whole, mind, body, soul, self, All of you must live in the realm of weightlessness. Impossible is succession in the attempt to unbound only an aspect of self. The whole must work in unison. In the dynamics of the embodiment of life, the only possibility for true freedom is absolute balance. Find your center and you will find your truth. This truth shall set you free. Combine all of the aspects of every duality, and begin to understand each as a prominent factor in the sustenance of that which you are. Become the duality, and you shall be free.

Accept that in everything, there is a dual. Ones which you cannot escape. A great part of learning to understand the essence of the full circle, is learning to appreciate the equal portions of everythingness. All, which is relevant to balance, must not be forsaken by you. Mind. Body. Soul. Self. All. Discover now all of the many layers that dwell within you. Forget not that they make up that which is true. It is the embodiment of the I AM.

Become the emancipation. Let nothing stop you, nor stand in your way. Go out into the whole world every day and discover something new. Live life to the fullest, and take advantage of each moment of every momentum. Show your face now to the whole world. Let them discover you as you now begin to discover your self. See yourself through their eyes, the way they see you, and, embody the truth of everything. Even in nothing. Go now, and fall in love with life all over again; as if it were the first time.

Take control. Do something. Do anything. Be always called to action. Challenge yourself. Live in the realm of dreams. Live the dream. Remember the things that make life fulfilling. Music. Dance. Art. Family. Friends. Endorphins. Adrenaline. Sunshine. Moonglow. Stars. Seabreeze. Ocean. Sandy toes. Swimming. Jogging. Riding. Writing. Study. Research. Imagination. Dreams. Fantasy. Planning. Fashion. Wardrobe. Beauty. Dolls. Creating. Discovering. Curiosity. Wonder. Experiments. Experience. Magic. Dreams. Life. Love. Imagine the possibilities!

Don’t stop there. Make it happen. The world is yours, and you can have anything you want. But you must want it, you must choose it, you must claim it, you must believe in it. Make it yours. Anything. Everything. Nothing. The possibilities are infinite. There are no limits, no boundaries, nothing standing in your way. It has all been removed. When one thing changed, everything changed. You have been set free. Freedom is yours. New life is yours. Born again are you, into the new day.

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