Thursday, June 17, 2010


In a vision, there is a great sailing ship.  More than a ship, an island that floats in suspension beyond the bounded barriers of earth's capacity.  The self sustained efficiency unity of transport is a dome, a hive, a village, a community, a nation of people.  They are high, and they are low.  The dome extends submerged deep below the ocean.  The hive extends far above sea level into the heavens. They climb, they fly, they swing, they swim.  It is a new generation of peoples.  The rainbow.  The root of every race, creed, religion, and breed of man through all previous generations come together as one.  A new language and form of communication is created.  It is the music, the universal language.  It is the dance, the universal expression.  It is the Arc of the Covenant.  Generated children of the rainbow.

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