Thursday, June 17, 2010


In years from now the world will be completely different.  You think that this Earth will allow us to kill her and destroy her, but you are wrong.  It is all a part of the truth, the plan to evolve.  We are preparing for our own destruction, for the regeneration of the new way. To burn in the fires of hell, we perish by the heat of our own uncontrolled consumption.  She will burn.  Watch as she now begins to burn her fever away.  You have made her sick and now she must heal toward the revolution.  She prepares to cook,  and consume you and all of your trash as fuel for her furnace.  So hot will the earth become, with no barrier to protect us from the cruel Sun, that the only suitable place to dwell will be the ocean, and below the Earth's surface.  All of humanity will retreat to the depth of the sea, and a new-founded underworld.  Until the ocean begins to boil, and the core of the Earth exudes irrational heat, cooking everything within it.  And all of the toxins will rise as a new chemistry of gases, expelling itself into the atmosphere.  Burning and boiling in a fire of flaming furnace, and everything will be destroyed.  There is a way to survive.  It is the ultimate preparation toward evolution.  Only the chosen few will learn this new way... all other forms of life will perish as we know it.  The only hope for the future is to become the alignment of the stars.  Perfect.

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