Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Place Called Home

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find your way home? I think about that all the time. I used to believe that home is where the heart lives, but, the heart lives in the body, in the chest cavity. Do I live in the chest cavity of a system? Or should I consider that the heart is not of this body, but so much further away from this world than ever considered possible? Is home the dimension that is the source of life, of pure energy, from where all of this came forth from? Is the heart nothing but a radiating core of that energy, sent from that great source from which all things come, and all things return? I am home. I have always been home. I am heart. All I ever had to do was wake up from that dream about light, open my eyes and see into the darkness. See how muted the light really was in the midst of all that darkness, and, realize that there is no place called home. Life is home. Love is home.

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