Monday, April 26, 2010


I believe in truth, for there can be no freedom without.  Yet, for each, truth is relative.  It is of the perspective and the individual circumstances that the dynamics of a specific truth can be established.  Truth is that which we perceive and choose to believe as a reality.  It is the core and framework to our essential lives.  Only in attaining authority over our own truths can we gain the power to metamorphose the ultimate change of selves.  It is the ability to overcome any and all obstacles within the journey of life by choosing to perceive as we choose to be perceived.

Truth is the artists tools for the reality canvas by which we have the opportunity to design an awesome work of art, challenged by the scope of the delicate nature of balance, in truth, all things must be taken into consideration and details define the perimeters of such notions which them become what we have chosen to accept as an individually holistic truth.

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