Saturday, April 17, 2010

She Dances

She Dances, like a miracle set forth by the Gods and All authority of the heavens. Of the birds, through the clouds, weightlessly, she leaps through the nothingness as if it were everything. She Dances, in all of the mystical mysteries that create splendor and wonder and amour. Like the glowing of the full moon, she lights up the darkest night. She becomes the angel of beauty and brightness she brings as blessing in offering to all who lay their eyes to rest, as She Dances. She Dances; Incomparably. Amazement and bewilderment she brings to all who know this; who have seen this. Invincibility is the aura of her movement, motioning like none others could dare to imagine. She becomes all that is everything, forever, when She Dances.

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