Thursday, May 13, 2010

Body of Dancers

Come, celebrate this life with us.  We will dance.

The golden glory days are upon me.  The world is dangerous, I know this now.  I must gather up the fruit of the good seeds that I have sown upon the fertile lands.  have them come to me and protect the establishment of the empire that I now come to build upon this holy ground.  In abundance of the threshold of this mission, they shall be my soldiers in the army of this empire of heaven.  They will walk with me and stand at my side as loyal comrades.

Brothers and Sisters, I call to my side to hold hands in union of strength.  In the bond of band and fruitful convictions, we will come to be known throughout the world as the children of the Sun.  The chosen ones.  The Fruit of Christ.  I will lead the way.  I will teach the people to know the will of the way and together we will walk in the light and the truth of life will be revealed in the pure essence of our display.

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