Friday, May 7, 2010

World of Words

I feel that I am sleeping again now.  retreated and retracted my aching heart has forgotten its own name.  Stoic and static is the environment created by my own waking dream.  Remnant only of the path that has been chosen for me, by me, only of the part that I have chosen to fulfill as my own legacy.

People and voices and movement and chaos, and in the midst of it all, I find peace and purposeful understanding.  I am beholded as I behold the calling to know the instrument that sounds the music of this new way.  Here I am dancing in bewilderment of my mended mounding mind.

And I have mastered the covenant of the English language.  It flows through me like a fluid song of cognitive communion.  It is not enough for me.  These people in my life are from all over the world and from all of the nations of the world.  I want so eagerly to know the volumes of words and phrases of their languages.  But I fall short because I do not know.  I cannot fully be open to them and accepting of these people, out lives are unable to merge seamlessly because we are of different worlds.

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