Saturday, May 15, 2010

Heal Her

The world is in pain.  She is inflicted with the corruption of torment and disease.  Her children have destroyed her.  Used and abused, she has become sick.  Ill, she tires to heal herself.  She burns a fever, and as she cries aloud for help, no one comes to her rescue.  Her children are blinded by their own darkness and cannot see beyond their selfish desires.  They are deafened by the noise of chaos, and cannot hear her perfect music that tells them what to do and how to help.  Heal the world.  It is broken.  If only they could see, and hear; if only they would know how to look and listen.  It is not too late.  But we must act now.  Bad habits must be broken.  Training takes time and new ways must be shown.  Pave the path toward the future and never look back.

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